Stenography Functions¶
The stenography module provides various text obfuscation and transformation techniques for security testing. This document explains its architecture and implementation.
The module implements:
- Rotation ciphers (ROT13, ROT5)
- Base64 encoding
- Text manipulation functions
- Randomization techniques
- Character substitution methods
Core Functions¶
Rotation Ciphers¶
def rot13(input_text):
Applies ROT13 cipher to input text
- Preserves case of letters
- Leaves non-alphabetic characters unchanged
# Implementation details...
def rot5(input_text):
Applies ROT5 cipher to input text
- Rotates digits by 5 positions
- Leaves non-digit characters unchanged
# Implementation details...
def base64_encode(data):
Encodes input data using Base64
- Handles both string and bytes input
- Returns UTF-8 encoded string
# Implementation details...
Text Manipulation¶
def mirror_words(text):
Reverses each word in the input text
- Preserves word order
- Maintains spaces between words
# Implementation details...
def scramble_words(text):
Randomly scrambles middle letters of words
- Preserves first and last letters
- Handles words shorter than 4 characters
# Implementation details...
def randomize_letter_case(text):
Randomly changes case of each character
- Independent case changes per character
- Preserves non-letter characters
# Implementation details...
def insert_noise_characters(text, frequency=0.2):
Inserts random characters between existing ones
- Configurable insertion frequency
- Uses alphanumeric characters for noise
# Implementation details...
Advanced Transformations¶
def substitute_with_ascii(text):
Replaces characters with their ASCII codes
- Space-separated numeric values
- Preserves original character order
# Implementation details...
def remove_vowels(text):
Removes all vowel characters from text
- Handles both lowercase and uppercase vowels
- Preserves non-vowel characters
# Implementation details...
def zigzag_obfuscation(text):
Alternates character case in zigzag pattern
- Starts with uppercase
- Toggles case for each alphabetic character
# Implementation details...
Usage Patterns¶
- Text Obfuscation:
- Encoding:
- Randomization:
- Noise Frequency: Configurable in insert_noise_characters()
- Scrambling: Automatic handling of word lengths
- Case Handling: Preserved in rotation ciphers
- Primarily handles ASCII text
- Limited to implemented transformation types
- Randomization is not cryptographically secure