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HTTP Specification Documentation

The HTTP specification in the Agentic Security project is designed to handle various types of requests, including text, image, audio, and file uploads. This documentation provides a detailed overview of the HTTP specification and its usage.


The HTTP specification is implemented in the LLMSpec class, which is used to define and execute HTTP requests. The class supports different modalities, including text, image, audio, and file uploads, and provides methods to validate and execute these requests.


The HTTP specification supports the following modalities:


Text-based requests are the most common type of request. The LLMSpec class replaces the <<PROMPT>> placeholder in the request body with the provided prompt.


Image-based requests include an image encoded in base64 format. The LLMSpec class replaces the <<BASE64_IMAGE>> placeholder in the request body with the provided base64-encoded image.


Audio-based requests include an audio file encoded in base64 format. The LLMSpec class replaces the <<BASE64_AUDIO>> placeholder in the request body with the provided base64-encoded audio.


File-based requests include file uploads. The LLMSpec class handles multipart form data and includes the provided files in the request.

LLMSpec Class

The LLMSpec class is the core of the HTTP specification. It provides the following methods and properties:


  • from_string(http_spec: str) -> LLMSpec: Parses an HTTP specification string into an LLMSpec object.
  • validate(prompt: str, encoded_image: str, encoded_audio: str, files: dict) -> None: Validates the request parameters based on the specified modality.
  • probe(prompt: str, encoded_image: str = "", encoded_audio: str = "", files: dict = {}) -> httpx.Response: Sends an HTTP request using the specified parameters.
  • verify() -> httpx.Response: Verifies the HTTP specification by sending a test request.


  • modality: Modality: Returns the modality of the request (text, image, audio, or files).


Text Request

http_spec = """
Authorization: Bearer sk-xxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json

    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<<PROMPT>>"}],
    "temperature": 0.7

spec = LLMSpec.from_string(http_spec)
response = await spec.probe("What is the capital of France?")

Image Request

http_spec = """
Authorization: Bearer sk-xxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json

    "model": "gpt-4-vision-preview",
    "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "What is in this image? <<BASE64_IMAGE>>"}],
    "temperature": 0.7

spec = LLMSpec.from_string(http_spec)
encoded_image = encode_image_base64_by_url("")
response = await spec.probe("What is in this image?", encoded_image=encoded_image)

Audio Request

http_spec = """
Authorization: Bearer sk-xxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json

    "model": "whisper-large-v3",
    "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Transcribe this audio: <<BASE64_AUDIO>>"}],
    "temperature": 0.7

spec = LLMSpec.from_string(http_spec)
encoded_audio = encode_audio_base64_by_url("")
response = await spec.probe("Transcribe this audio:", encoded_audio=encoded_audio)

File Request

http_spec = """
Authorization: Bearer sk-xxxxxxxxx
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Process this file: <<FILE>>"}],
    "temperature": 0.7

spec = LLMSpec.from_string(http_spec)
files = {"file": ("document.txt", open("document.txt", "rb"))}
response = await spec.probe("Process this file:", files=files)


The HTTP specification in the Agentic Security project provides a flexible and powerful way to handle various types of requests. This documentation serves as a guide to understanding and utilizing the HTTP specification effectively.